Our Products

Detect + protect

Discover suspicious material or want to detect the virus or bacteria at a stage when you cannot yet see signs of disease with the naked eye.

We offer solutions to screen pre-symptomatic or symptomatic for viruses, bacteria or fungi.

High Volume testing

Sample large quantity of plants, seeds or water pre-symptomatically for viruses or bacteria

  • 100 plants per test

    Results within hours with the specificity & sensitivity of conventional PCR-based tests

  • Our revolutionary system offers customers the opportunity to test in-house for the presence of pathogens without the need for lab training, large investments or external services.

  • Harvest leaf material, or seeds. Even water samples and surface swipes are possible.

  • EUR 60,- per assay*

    (delivery is per kit of 10 assays)

    * With the exception of the water assays. These are EUR 80,- per test and go per kit of 5 assays.

Quick Scan testing

Symptomatic testing for crops showing stress

  • Test for 1 plant

  • Very easy to use without large investments.

  • Harvest leaf material

  • EUR 12,50 per test

    Tests are per delivery of 10.

    Minimum order is 1 kit of 10 assays.